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All About Dandelions

May 17, 2024


Dandelions are one of the most recognizable lawn weeds. These plants, native to North and South America as well as Eurasia, feature a rosette base and a bright yellow flowering head. They can grow up to 30 cm tall and reproduce asexually, meaning they don’t need pollination to spread. This ability allows them to thrive in almost any habitat, as their seeds are easily carried by the wind.

Despite being considered a nuisance, dandelions are packed with nutrients, including high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In fact, dandelion greens are more nutritious than spinach and are consumed in various cultures. However, if you prefer a dandelion-free lawn, here are some effective control methods:

1. Mow Often: Regular mowing can prevent the yellow flowers from turning into seeds, which helps to stop their spread.

2. Root Them: If you catch them early, pulling dandelions by hand can be effective. The challenge is that dandelion taproots are long (up to 25 cm) and thick. Leaving any part of the taproot behind can result in regrowth.

3. Weed Control: Weed Man offers an effective weed control service using Fiesta® in Nova Scotia & P.E.I., applied in three sessions throughout the growing season. Fiesta® is a selective weed killer, meaning it targets unwanted weeds without harming your grass.

4. Vinegar: Household vinegar can sometimes be effective due to its acetic acid content. However, be cautious with application, as vinegar is non-selective and can harm your grass.

5: Promote a Healthy Lawn: The best defense against dandelions is a healthy lawn. Maintain a mowing height of 6-8 cm, promptly seed bare spots, and follow the lawn care tips in our other blog posts.


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